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Statement from the Lancashire & Cheshire AFL

Following the FA announcement of the 26th March 2020 the Management Committee have considered the situation & have decided that the league divisional programme 2019-2020 is null & void. There will be no trophies or medals awarded. Furthermore, the League Presentation Dinner which was to be held on the 15th May 2020 has been cancelled.

We understand there will be concern over finances & with this in mind do assess your club ‘s financial position but do not send to us at this stage. The League Committee will meet as soon as the crisis is over & work out a plan to give as much help as possible.

We do have a plan which would allow the League Cup Competitions to be completed, if the go ahead to resume football activity is received by the end of May 2020. We are going to discuss the possibility of this with the County FA & will report the outcome.