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Moston Brook FC make plans to return to training

Following the FA’s guidelines issued on the 3rd July 2020 Mike Melia our Club Chairman has issued guidelines to the Clubs Team Managers to assist them in returning to their weekly training sessions. Please see below:

‘Training Activity During Covid 19’.

The FA have now issued guidelines under which training sessions for grassroot’s Clubs can take place. The guidelines are extensive, but I appreciate that you, parents & player’s, are keen to resume.

It is now permitted to undertake training sessions subject to the following conditions:

  • A maximum of (6) participants, including the Coach/Team Manager.

  • A single Coach/Team Manager may conduct training for more than one group as long as players, parents remain.

  • Social distancing (must be observed throughout).

  • No games (i.e. small-sided matches to be played).

  • Strict hand hygiene to apply before & after the sessions.

  • Each player to be given own equipment.

Everyone attending must provide their own travel (i.e. no car sharing).

Parents must:

  • Remain present throughout the session as they need to attend to injuries to their child.

  • Stay socially distanced from each other.

  • Provide players with their own drinking bottle & sanitiser.

Players must refrain from:

  • Handshakes.

  • High Fives.

  • Spitting.

You need to be confident that you can undertake a training session within these conditions. Some parents may be concerned about returning & their view must be respected. All parents/guardians need to confirm that they are agreeable to allow their child to participate. A form for signing will be provided.

As the North Manchester Academy is not open for letting (& not likely to open before September) you will need to find your own appropriate area. This needs to be subject to the usual inspections of level surface, glass or other debris, no dog fouling etc; You also need to ensure that you are not close to other groups, as social distancing must be maintained.